The NaNoWriMo Dare Squad, Season Two — DARES ANNOUNCED!

good morning, cyberspace!

‘Tis I, the Kenzie, coming at you with the ONE POST we’ve been waiting for all month.

We’ve been writing. . .

We’ve been slaving. . .

We’ve been preparing ourselves

for this very moment.

And now, without further ado, it is finally time for me to announce the dares that you — you glorious, magnificent, beautiful writer-folk of the internet — have sent in for the NaNoWriMo Dare Squad.

And I must say, my friends, the dares this year are phenomenal. I loved last year’s dares, of course. Please don’t get me wrong. But these. . . Aha.

These are actually making me just a tiny wee bit nervous.

So without any further delay, it is my greatest honor to present to you. . .


The NaNoWriMo Dare Squad Season Two Dare Board

ACK! Don’t those just look absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS???? Aren’t you just itching to fail your goal simply so that you can do one of these marvelous dares?

Aha. Me too. (*cough*more of that on Saturday*cough*) However, although I know that there’s a happy little handful of us already buckling down to submit ourselves to the  unfortunate yet certain death that awaits us on November 30th, I also know that there are a fair few among us who have seriously pounded out those words this month to complete their goals. And — since I am nothing if not a delightful, sympathetic overlord alien human — I have taken it upon myself to understand that, now that the dares have been revealed, those smol winners out there are going to be quite saddened by the fact that they, too, will not be able to partake in this most glorious of daring.

And so, in true Kenzie fashion, I have designed a way so that everyone can participate in the fun come the end of November!

*initiate much cheering*

*and also sobbing*

*and one man screaming*

Ladies and gentlemen, peasants and royals, mushrooms and marshmallow fronds, as a final twist of the day, please allow me to present to thee a sneak peak of the thing you’ve all been anxious for — the twist that anyone who participated in last year’s dare squad has been waiting on with bated breath and much fingernail-gnawing. . .


Winner's Board Sneak Peak

And there you have it, folks! The NaNoWriMo Dare Squad Winner’s Board. The rest of the board will be revealed in my final post on November 30th, so make sure to come back then and see the horrors that await you! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA–HACK!

And also that’s pretty much all I’ve got to reveal for today, so that’s basically it for this smudge. Aha. #shortpostsareshort.

(also i’m really hoping the winners don’t hate me for this, ahahahahahahahaha #i’msorry)


And that’s all I’ve got for today, folks! How is your NaNo treating you thus far? Are you right on top of your wordcount, or are you falling a smidgen behind? (i wrote 3,000 words on Friday, but I hardly wrote anything over the weekend, so I need to start catching up again today. urgh.) Are you well on your way to becoming a NaNoWriMo Dare Squad winner, or are you — like me — planning on failing miserably and partaking in the glorious dares awaiting us come December? And if you’ve already won the Dare Squad, will you forever hate me for potentially giving you an untimely death along with all us losers, or do you trust in your dice-rolling abilities enough to come out on the other side unscathed? What are your absolute best guesses as to which Squadian sent in which dare?? (the darers will all be revealed for good on the 30th, but until then, we’re gonna keep it anonymous. because fun.) and most importantly of all. . .

WHICH OF THE DARES IS YOUR ABSOLUTE FAVORITE??? (a.k.a. which one makes you feel absolutely nauseous just thinking about having to do it. ahahahahahahaha. EVERYTHING IS FINE, FOLKS.) 

Let’s talk about ALL OF THE THINGS!! down in the comments below, my friends! And as always, until next time. . .

*flings cookies in the air and disappears*

27 thoughts on “The NaNoWriMo Dare Squad, Season Two — DARES ANNOUNCED!

  1. I think the scariest is number 4, but number 5 and 7 sound hilarious (I think I’m 100% certain who wrote number 5…Hello, Kate…). And 6, and…

    And ooooh, I like that we won’t know what the winner’s board is until the end. :D
    Especially since I completed my goal and there is a goody to look forward to!

    I think Kenzie wrote 9…She has all the death prompts. xD

    Keep writing, Squadians! :D

    Liked by 1 person

  2. *screaming*

    I kind of want to do #7, though?? I mean, I’d need to get an obnoxious character [oops, just realised that terrible gap I have in my storytelling… why do I not have one already. is my story so flat that I haven’t needed one before.] But it could be fun! Number five, on the other hand… number four… and if I get number three I may stab someone. SUPPOSE I SHOULD WRITE, THEN.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ARE THEY NOT PHENOMENAL??? I am so impressed with this year’s lineup… And Dare #1 is PERFECTION. XD Oh yeah. This is gonna be very fun. You and I are gonna have to do one of these, Gail. 😂


    • Your dare is fantastic, Eva. I died laughing when I saw it. (And then kinda cried cause I’m gonna have to do a dare and I’m scared. 😂)

      MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Death. Pain. Lots of cookies…


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