CAMP NANOWRIMO APPROACHES!: Episode II – Preparing for Camp (#campnano2020)


Last week I announced what project I was going to be working on for Camp NaNoWriMo 2020. This week, we’re going to be diving into my preparations for the end of the world Camp!

A few years ago I made a post detailing my NaNoWriMo Survival Kit, and–quite honestly–most of the things I listed in that post still apply. I still hoard candy like the smol little gremlin that I am. I still collect notebooks and hide them into every nook and cranny in my room. I still stuff my friends into my briefcase and haul them around lest they abandon me. However, there are some things I’m doing this year that are a little bit different than years previous. I have some new materials that I shall be trying to utilize for productivity in April (planners, a google spreadsheet??? [what is this madness??]) and–if all goes according to plan–hopefully they’ll help me conquer my goals and become the ultimate productivity master!

(this is not happening. i’m just gonna call it now, folks.)

So this week in my Camp NaNo 2020 series, we’re going to be taking a closer look into my step-by-step guide to preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo!

(side note: there won’t be a character interview this week. this post got a little bit longer than I had planned, so putting an interview at the end of it was just going to make it humongous. SO! be prepared for an interview coming soon! [there is, however, a link to SK’s under-construction playlist at the end of this post! don’t forget to take a peak at that!])

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i. create a manageable goal, reestablish your idea of “success”

What’s this? We’re actually getting serious here on Smudged Thoughts? ’tis true, peasants. For once in my life I’m going to try and be a reasonable person and actually give you some information that’s worthwhile.

The first step to preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo is–you guessed it!–create a manageable goal. “Manageable” being the keyword here, of course. As a mortal, it’s extraordinarily easy for us to overestimate just how much we can actually accomplish within a set period of time. I went into my first NaNoWriMo with an overabundance of confidence–I came out of that Nano with the stunning realization that failure was my new best friend.

BUT! With Camp NaNoWriMo, your goal is completely malleable! as long as it continues to be a word goal, because lolololol #newsitenewproblems My goal, for instance, is going to be 35,000 words. I’ve always been horrible at determining how many words a project will actually become, but I feel like 35k is as good a starting point as any for completing my current manuscript. My ultimate goal, of course, is to complete the first draft of SK, but if that doesn’t happen, at least I have an achievable word goal for the month that I can feel successful in completing.

A few things to look at when creating your own goal may include:

  • how much time you ACTUALLY HAVE to devote to your craft

I have a terrible habit of thinking I have way more time than I actually do for writing. that and a terrible penchant for procrastination. So one of the new “tricks” I’m implementing this month is figuring out just how much time I actually have for working on my craft. Following a similar method to what Christine explained in her recent post, 5 Ways I Stay Productive (Without Losing My Mind) (absolutely read this post, by the way), I jot down my week’s agenda on my weekly planner dry-erase board, and–judging by how busy each day seems–calculate how much time I really have for writing.

11-7 shift at work? 1,000 words probably isn’t going to happen. But I bet you I can write 500!

Now, there are a few caveats to this. . .

  1. Right now is not exactly the best time to work out how much free time I have, because my current place of employment is no longer running. (hello, coronavirus. fun times) This means that basically all of my time at the moment is free time–and if I could just stop lazing about waiting for the world to end and actually W R I T E, perhaps I could get ahead on all the things I’m behind on.
  2. I will be the first to admit that I am still V E R Y new to this, and therefore am still floundering whilst trying to plan my days out in a way that is actually reasonable. I guess I always thought that being a productive planner sort of person would just come naturally, but it turns out that you actually have to experiment and find a way to plan your day that works FOR you, rather than against you? WHO’DA THUNK. So yes. I’m using March as a bit of a “preparatory” month, where I try to figure out my process for productively planning my day in a way that doesn’t involve me furiously erasing at the night’s end.

Am I an expert at this whole “plotting your day” thing? HA! Absolutely not. But I’m trying, and I’m getting better, and honestly? I have been feeling more productive lately. It could just be a placebo affect, but I really am enjoying the experimentation involved, so I count that as a win.

  • are you a fast writer, able to pump out 1-2k words easily every day, or do you find 500 to 1,000 words more within your manageable daily writing range?

Some writers write fast. Other writers write slow. Whichever one you are, it is perfectly okay to cater your goal to your writing speed. There are some writers in my writer’s group that are able to pump out thousands of words every day, whereas I typically bottom out at about 2k on a good day. Does this make one of us better than the other? NOPE. It just means that we’re different people with different processes and styles. And that, my dear bean, is something to be celebrated, not curbed.

  • what is your definition of “success”?

What are you hoping to accomplish this NaNo? Finishing your book? Writing a whole draft in a month? Editing your manuscript? What is your “ultimate goal” for the project you’re working on? What matters most to you about the creation of this project?

Is it getting that horrible first draft out as quickly as possible? Is it taking your time and leaving yourself with fewer plot holes at the end of it all? Before we enter of the month of April, you should think long and hard about what your definition of success will be–not necessarily for your writerly career (you don’t have to think that broad quite yet) but simply for this project. Because at the end of the month, it’s not about whether or not you’ve “won” NaNoWriMo. It’s about whether or not your pleased with the progress you’ve made.

(a wonderful book that deals more with redefining your definition of success is The Mental Game of Writing by James Scott Bell. I highly recommend reading it if you’re looking for a more professional/in-depth depiction of this topic)

ii. know where you’re going

*and all the pantsers scream in horror*

Okay, okay, let’s talk story craft for a second: there are three basic types of writers–plotters, pantsers, and the weird hybrid between the two that are plantsers. Chances are, you already know which one of these you are. (and if you do not, please feel free to take a look at this video right here, which made a circle through my writing group not too long ago. very informative. much wow. [I haven’t watched the whole thing quite yet, but I’m going to after posting this. XD]) I, myself, am a discovery writer through-and-through, and identify mostly with plantsers.

HOWEVER. Even though I love discovering the story as I write it–which usually means knowing very little about where the story is going to take me scene-by-scene–it is my pure belief that having an endgame in mind is beneficial to e v e r y type of writer.

benedict cumberbatch endgame GIF
in order to become a good writer, we must first become Sherlock Holmes Doctor Strange

Of course, as with every piece of writing advice, this is pure speculation and could be completely irrelevant to some writers out there. Maybe some writers are able to whip out a 70,000 draft from beginning to end without knowing where they’re going up until that final scene. (and if this is you, you have my deepest respect, good sir.) But for me, I physically cannot continue writing without knowing where the end of my story lies.

Confession time: I’m a chronic overwriter. This means that I have a tendency to just keep writing and writing and writing aimlessly along, dragging my story over hill and dale (poor dale) and back again as I flounder about procrastinating the ending.

I. Hate. Endings.

I don’t know why. I’ve always hated endings. I hate saying goodbye. I hate it when stories I love come to a close. It feels like a piece of myself has been unwillingly stripped away, and there’s nothing I can do to stop the numb hole corroding my heart. Because of this, I have to come to grips with a story’s ending almost as soon as I begin writing it. I have to know where I’m taking a book. If I don’t know the ending, if I don’t know a general direction to head in before starting out, I’ll find myself lost in the desert with a 100,000 word manuscript that hasn’t even hit the midpoint yet.


So my best advice for you? Find your ending. Or at the very least, find a general idea for what you’d like your ending to be. You don’t have to know all the minor details yet. You don’t have to know how you get from the Opening Image to the Resolution. But I can promise you this: beginning and sustaining a journey is so much easier when you have a destination in mind.

Because as we all know, endings are inevitable.

 avengers thanos endgame avengers endgame i am inevitable GIF

iii. establish your center of creativity

Synonyms for “center of creativity”:

  • your safe space
  • your creative hub
  • the corner you hide yourself away in so that no one bothers you while you pretend to write but are actually googling synonyms for the word “potato”

I’m a messy creative. My creative process involves blowing things up and rebuilding out of the rubble. I like getting my hands dirty (figuratively and–in the case of watercolor painting–literally). I like experimenting. But I would be lying if I said that having a clean, happy space for all my explosive creating to be contained within isn’t necessary.

Organization has never been my strong suit, but I do have a little corner in my room that I try to keep clean and organized and filled with inspiration–favorite books, pages from my novels, inspirational quotes. This is my center of creativity, and because I keep this space sacred to creating, I find myself feeling more productive when I’m inside it.

So find your center of creativity. Fill it with things and books and quotes that inspire you. It doesn’t have to be a big, giant office–goodness knows my corner has hardly enough space for a chair–but claim it and make it yours and force yourself to be creative when you’re inside it. The more you utilize your center of creativity, the more you’ll find yourself wanting to create when you’re there.

(super special shout-out to my mom, who literally helped me clean/organize my creative corner today before I posted this??? I had a whole paragraph hashed out about how my creative area looked like a junk drawer had exploded everywhere, but now I can say that my little corner looks cute and happy and filled with ALL of the creative potential!! meep! <333)

iv. find your daily routine

Ohhhhh, here’s where things get truly interesting.

Confession Time Number 2: I currently do not have a writing routine. LE GASP! I know. The shock and horror is real, my friends. But to be honest, my typical weekly schedule doesn’t necessarily allow me to have a strict writing routine outside of, “Oh look! Three spare minutes! Let us use them to build up my character arcs and–ope, never mind, time’s up.”.

This, however, is a sincere moment of do as I say, not as I do. I am a horrible individual and you should definitely, 100% never follow my lead. It will get you into loads of trouble and potentially a furious confrontation with a forest mage. (true story. don’t ask.)

So. In this one instance, we are both going to try and do as I say and FIND A DAILY WRITING ROUTINE. Most of us are quarantined at home right now anyway, right? So let’s use this very strange and slightly horrifying time to find a writing routine that works for us, not against us.

Are you a morning person? A night owl? At what moments in the day do you feel most inspired? When do you have the most free time? Inspiration is a wonderful thing to have, to be sure, but if every writer waited for inspiration to strike before working on their novels. . .? The world would have absolutely no books.

Think about that for a moment. The difference between you and a published author living their authorial dream is the fact that they sat their butt down in the chair and pounded out the words, even when they didn’t feel like it. Especially when they didn’t feel like it, in most cases. And you might be himming and hawing and thinking, “But KENZIE. If I don’t write when I’m inspired, my story won’t sound right! The words won’t flow like magic! I MIGHT WRITE A CRUDDY FIRST DRAFT!!!

Ha. Hahaha. HA. That is entirely the point, my dearest sunflower sprout. The point is to write a cruddy first draft, because unless you sit down and get that horrible, nasty, absolutely terrifying first draft out onto the page, you can’t make it better. So find a writing routine. Pick a time when you will work on your book, and when that time rolls around, put away Netflix or the book you’re reading or Animal Crossing and write. the. words. You’ll thank yourself later, that I can promise you.

v. fall in love with your story

Above all else, the most important thing you can do before April rolls around is to fall hopelessly, irrevocably in love with your story. Maybe this is a brand new project for you, and falling in love with this shiny new plot bunny is easy peasy. Or maybe–like me–you’ve been working on this book for a while now, and sometimes it’s hard to remember why you thought this was such a good idea in the first place.

Falling back in love with a story isn’t always easy. Sometimes it takes time and patience and creating a playlist specifically tailored to remind you of that sparkly feeling your manuscript once gave you. Sometimes it’s diving deep into your book and letting the world and its characters and settings soak through you until you physically cannot breathe unless you’re writing.

Sometimes it takes multiple days of struggling and rewriting and hair-pulling before that specific plot detail finally *clicks*.

For me, I tend to fall in love with my writing by creating playlists, pinterest boards, and writing down specific things about the story that remind me why I thought this story was worth telling in the first place. This can be in the form of sticky notes, index cards pinned to my corkboard, or even just a NOTES & INSPIRATION folder in my Scrivener file.

The truth is, you can prepare yourself as much as you want for the crazy month of writing that is NaNo, but if you’re not head-over-heels in love with your story, chances are you’re not going to have enough momentum to creatively sustain you throughout the month. Sure, you can totally drag yourself along and hit your goals every day regardless of whether you like your story or not (goodness knows I’ve done that in the past), but believe me when I say that on those days when creativity seems out of reach and your well of inspiration is as dry as a 100-year-old corpse’s mouth, the only thing that will save you–the only thing that will keep you going–is your unequivocal love for this book.

So fall. Fall for this story so hard you can’t bare to be separated from it. And on the days when writing seems impossible, your love and dedication for this story will draw you back to the keys, regardless of how creatively inspired you feel.

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All right, folks! Now that you’ve seen my Camp NaNoWriMo prep list, it’s time to tell me yours!


  • what sorts of things do YOU do to prepare for Camp NaNoWriMo? are you a physical prepper (outlines, pinterest boards, bullet-pointed notes, etc.) or do you prefer to prepare yourself mentally?
  • do you have a creative space of your own? (and also any tips for keeping it clean because AHAHAHAHAHA-I NEED HELP.)
  • on a scale of 1 to 10, how prepared for Camp NaNoWriMo do you currently feel? (currently I’m a 2, but this week is my “prep week”, so I’m extremely excited about that. . .!)


  • what do you plan on doing to keep busy this April? would you be interested in some non-Camp related blog posts to hold your attention, or are you good with a splattering of character interviews?
  • have you ever participated in Camp NaNo? (please be aware that if you answer this question with a negative, I will be prone to asking WHY, and will also use the full force of my persuasiveness to convert you.)

and considering the fact that the world seems to be filled with nothing but icky lately. . .

  • what is ONE GOOD THING you’ve seen/witnessed/discovered/heard this week that has brought happiness to your soul?

Let’s help spread a little positivity during this strange time, shall we? And until next time. . .

_flings cookies in the air and disappears_

p. s.

As promised, here’s the playlist for SK! It is definitely still subject to change as I get to know the story and characters better, but for right now, this is the music that I typically listen to while drafting. (I’m also listening to it as I type up this blog post. (fall in love with your story? CHECK!) Feel free to send me the playlist for your story down in the comments below! I’m always looking for new music to jam to! (also yes I recently watched Guardians of the Galaxy how could you tell)

25 thoughts on “CAMP NANOWRIMO APPROACHES!: Episode II – Preparing for Camp (#campnano2020)

  1. It’s so cool to get a behind-the-scenes look at your process! :-) Pinterest boards work so well as inspiration for me–it kind of helps me to get the feel and tone of the story down, and looking at pretty things inspires me to write more.

    That’s a good point about taking breaks–although sometimes I do need to take breaks, sometimes what they say is true and the only way for me to keep at a story is to push through and let it get better eventually. It kind of depends on the situation for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • MEEP! Thank you, Becky!! I honestly don’t have much of a writing process at the moment (I’m working on it, though!!), but I’m hoping to figure out my process and–if I can–blog a little bit more about it sometime! OOOOOH. I seriously need to try and make more Pinterest boards. Which is a scary thing for me to say because Pinterest is a RABBIT HOLE for me. XD But still. I should probably try that sometime. (also!! I’d love to see some of your boards sometime?)

      YES!!! I totally agree with this! Breaks–when taken in moderation–are SO helpful to creativity, but there comes a point when you just need to buckle down and get the work done. And I usually find that if I’m honest with myself about WHY I’m taking a break, I can typically pinpoint whether or not I’m procrastinating or not. XD

      Thank you so much for reading, Becky!! Your comments always brighten my day! <333

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This like is the Ultimate Prep List for Any Project Ever and I love it!! I have to admit though, I rarely ever have the idea of the ending before I start writing (I know, what a monster I am), I only do if I actually plan the novel out, but a lot of the time I grab the idea and just start running with it (I think though one of the reasons I can get away with this is that I’m an underwriter, so it doesn’t take me too long to get to the end).

    Good luck in April!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my goodness, THANK YOU!!! That honestly just made my whole day. XD

      Oooh, this is VERY intriguing, actually! Usually I can’t write unless I know at least a vague impression of the ending, so it’s awesome finding an opposite to that. AND YOU’RE AN UNDERWRITER. DUDE. I’M SO JEALOUS. Maybe it IS my tendency to ramble which makes it necessary to have an ending, and underwriters don’t struggle with this as much?? We must do more research. XD

      MEEP! Thank you!!! I’m really loving it so far. My book is taking me on one crazy adventure. XD

      Liked by 1 person

  3. AAAHHHHH THIS IS SUCH A FANTASTIC LIST!!!! The first point especially hit home. Usually I can manage a lofty goal during NaNo because it’s OKAY to word vomit all over the place. But, for the first time, I’m NOT writing a first draft for a NaNo project. Instead I’m EDITING. Which means taking my time. Which also means NOT worrying about rushing to get numbers up. And, like, I reeeally need to readjust my focus. Sometimes that word goal starts being more important than the story ya know??? Which is not good. I’ve already lowered my Camp goal once and am thinking about doing it again… And I keep thinking, am I coward lowering it like this? WELL. Reading all your amazing thoughts reminded that NO, I am NOT. The whooole point of doing Camp this year is to just help keep me motivated. It’s NOT about the wordcount this time. In fact, I probably need to be careful to not count words and actually TAKE MY TIME. ‘Cause this is quite a big rewriting project and it’s going to require patience and time and just taking it slow. So allll that to say… I may lower my goal just a smidge one more time so I WON’T accidentally fall into rushing to reach the goal instead of, ya know, just editing my book properly. THANK YOU FOR KNOCKING SOME SENSE IN MY HEAD!!!! Everything you said was so true and so important. (Also I may have squealed at my post being linked. D’AWWW! <3)

    I TOTALLY agree about knowing the ending. Even the stories I 100% pantsed, I knew how it was all going to end…to a point. It just helps SO MUCH to know where you're going.

    And loving your story is probably THE most important thing. Why would we spend so much effort on a story we don't love??? (I mean, yeah, we'll have days we're sick of it. But ya know, still. XD)

    This whole post was sooooo helpful and encouraging and I'm already feeling more equipped to take on the Camp beast! WE GOT THIS!!! *raises laptop and charges*


    • Oh my goodness. Once again your comment has literally made me grin from ear to ear… I just can’t with you…!!! <333

      Oh goodness, rewrites were simultaneously the best and worst for me. Best because I knew that what I was doing was going to make the story stronger, but WORST because sometimes it felt like I was floundering and had no clue how to stay afloat. BUT!!!! I am SO happy that my thoughts were able to help you!! I DEFINITELY agree–if there's anything you shouldn't worry about wordcount over and which should be taken slow, it's revision/editing. That's a process that thrives with time, and I cannot WAIT to see what you're able to do with those beautiful smol Nether Isle children!!!! <333 (also I will FOREVER LINK YOUR BLOG/POSTS because they are literally AMAZING and have seriously helped me so many times…)

      YES!!!! Exactly!!! And I think especially WITH pantsing you should at least know a vague idea of how your story's going to end, otherwise you'll just find yourself rambling incessantly trying to discover where a good place to plop the ending in is. XD

      YES YES YES!!! I think one of my absolute FAVORITE parts about writing is getting the chance to fall in love with the story. Sometimes it takes a moment to orient yourself in the new world and to learn to trust the new cast, but once that love begins to blossom…it's just the best feeling in the whole entire world… XD

      MEEP! Oh my goodness, thank you!!! I seriously don't know what I'd do without you, girl. You honestly make my whole entire week with your comments… <333 AND HUZZAH!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!! *raises laptop and charges after you*


  4. Oh yessss, Christine’s post was SO. DANG. GOOD. Really inspired me to get my life in order! :D
    Ugh, I wish I was doing Camp NaNo, but college starts up again on March 30th and I just don’t think I’ll be able to shell out the time. :( I’M ROOTING FOR YOU THOUGH!! <333

    Liked by 1 person

    • WASN’T IT, THOUGH??? I’ve been so much more productive ever since reading it. She’s amazing and I love her to bits. XD

      OH NO!!! Are you doing online classes, or are they actually in-person ones? And UGH, I totally understand not having enough time. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, and THAT IS COMPLETELY OKAY!! Maybe next time! <333 AND MEEP, THANK YOU!! I'm kind of freaking out but IT'S FINE! EVERYTHING IS FINE! XD

      Liked by 1 person

      • She is the literal best honestly. XD

        Thankfully it’s all online for me!! So I’ve been able to keep busy with that, which has kept me from going totally insane (also MAKING me go a little insane, but I guess that’s the compromise…XD)

        Liked by 1 person

  5. This was such a great post, Kenzie! Perfect advice for camp. I’m definitely a physical prepper, but a lot of that work is already done since I’m partway through a draft. I’m working with a decently sized outline and a small army of Pinterest boards and character playlists at this point. :)

    I don’t really have a super dedicated creative space, partially because I tend to keep my surfaces multi-purpose and partially because I’m back at my parents’ house right now, but I do have a desk that I write at! It’s helped me a lot to have a place that means “writing time” instead of just working in my bed like I used to.

    As far as readiness for camp goes… maybe a 7? I’m prepared story and goal wise, but I need to do a couple more scheduling things and review my outline before I feel 100%. Good thing I have a couple more days left!

    One Good Thing: I had a “Virtual Tea Party” with my college ministry director and a couple of friends this afternoon. It was great to still be able to do that even amidst the chaos. :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my word, THANK YOU!!! <333 That means so much to me… And UGH, I am jealous of your prepping abilities! XD Outlines have never been my friend, and pinterest is more of a rabbit hole than an actual aid at this point. XD BUT. CHARACTER PLAYLISTS!!!! Now THOSE I have in bucket loads. XD

      Working at an actual desk is something that I find really helps me get motivated to write, as well! Especially if I consistently use that one specific spot for my writing. And A 7 IS A VERY GOOD NUMBER!!! I'm currently like a 5. And we're in the middle of camp. XD

      Oh my WORD, that sounds amazing!! See, THAT is the kind of thing we need more of right now… Except I would probably drink hot chocolate with sprinkles because I don't like tea. XD

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I really enjoyed reading this list of tips! I don’t have a completely-established writing routine, either, mainly because it depends on what else is going on in my life that day.

    What I’ve done to prepare for Camp NaNoWriMo is write an outline my novel (mainly just a general “what am I doing in the plot” type of outline, nothing super-detailed and rigid). I also am using pinterest and making boards for my own viewing to remind myself of character aesthetics and the overall atmosphere of the story, too.

    My creative writing space is…admittedly, quite messy. But since I have everything on a computer, it’s not like I have to worry about notebooks all over the place! As for the scale of 1 to 10 of Camp readiness…I think I’m an 8-9. Mainly because I’m already prepped in terms of outlining the whole novel. But I’m also just super-excited to dive into the novel I’m working on for this Camp NaNo, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! <33 And UGH. SAME. XD My lie is so all-over-the-place that sticking to one specific routine is basicallly nothing short of impossible… It's nice to know I'm not alone in that! XD

      OOOOOOH! An outline!!! I am…slightly jealous. XD Outlines are not my friends. I've tried writing them out multiple ways, but so far, the best way I've found for my brain to enjoy telling a first draft is to just let it go wherever it pleases, with only SLIGHT nudges from me to remind it of the general story we want to be telling. XD I love Pinterest boards, though!!! I have a few secret ones for my current WIP! Hopefully someday I'll be able to share them. XD (though I'm admittedly very bad at creating and keeping up with pinterest boards. so. XD)

      Oh, don't even get me STARTED on my computer desktop. XD Literally every file I may have used maybe twice is sitting on the homescreen, to the point where the files that I DO ned to use (aka my scrivener project for my book XD) gets lost amongst the junk. XD Ah well. I should probably clean that up… XD

      OOOH! An 8-9 is AMAZING!!! How are you doing now that Camp is in full swing???

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oooh, Pinterest boards! I’ve attempted making some secret ones as aesthetic inspiration for my various WIPs.

        Thank you! XD Now that Camp is in full swing, I’m actually doing pretty well so far—better than expected! I discovered some plot twists as I was writing, which is pretty fun, and I’m only a few thousand words away from my 25K-word Camp NaNo goal! XD What about you?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Secret pinterest boards ARE my aesthetic. XD Hopefully I’ll be able to share my boards with the world someday, but for right now… *seals them up in my secret underground vault*

          WHAT!!!! Dude!!! You are doing AMAZING!!! Plot twist discoveries are literally my favorite. That and when an entirely unexpected character pops in and livens up a train-wreck of a scene. I had that happen to me a few days ago, and I swear it was the only reason I continued with the scene. XD OH MY WORD!!! DID YOU WIN???? *quickly goes to stalk your NaNo profile* OH MY GOODNESS YOU WON!!!! ASDFGHJKL CONGRATULATIONS!!!! *flings cookies at your face*

          Liked by 1 person

  7. “As a mortal…” <- ah, I see your problem, Kenzie! …you will be upgraded….

    I HAVE NO IDEA OF MY ENDGAME and honestly I’m feeling so attacked right now?? xP And I’m a chronic overwriter too – at least, I once ‘won’ Camp by writing 15k… of worldbuilding, character-building, and travelling. My MC got to the place where she was to START her training right at the end of Camp.

    “the corner you hide yourself away in so that no one bothers you while you pretend to write but are actually googling synonyms for the word “potato”” – which of my Connections did you turn to your cause, Kenzie?? *tapes paper over laptop camera* (Your centre of creativity sounds so happy!!)

    True story of my Camp prep: 10am on the April 1st, I did that slow-realisation-head-lift and said, out loud, “oh. it’ NaNo.” At which point my little brother pinched and punched me, which was an unconnected event but still added to the general feel of no-longer-impending doom.

    (side note: you and Paper Fury are like the only blogs I email follow… does that mean I read them promptly? no. no it does not.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahem…was this a Doctor Who reference?? *flails wildly* (but I mean, as far as DW villains go, I PREFER the weeping angels to cybermen. but I don’t think they actually talk, so…)

      AHA….oh goodness this sounds so much like me it isn’t even funny. My overwriting tends to be writing things that DON’T ACTUALLY BELONG IN THE MANUSCRIPT, so I mean, I could probably cut out all the overwriting EASILY if I just tried, but….nope. Apparently I enjoy writing all of the tiny details that I’ll have to force myself to cut later. IT’S FINE.

      I HAVE TURNED ALL OF YOUR CONNECTIONS TO MY CAUSE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (meep! thank you!!! I’m totally loving it even now, and shockingly enough I’ve kept it clean??? What is this madness?)

      ….this is a very strange event and yet I cannot help but laugh at the irony of it. (and also at the completely unconnected thing where your brother punched you. (brothers. they the best.) Also NaNo only has two days left so???? YAY??? We survived?? Maybe???


      Liked by 1 person

      • The angels are definitely more scary than cybermen! (although I may be biased because they got my fave doctor’s companions… *sobs*)

        NOO NOT MY CONNECTIONS (even the CIA agent?? even him?? I TRUSTED HIM)

        (I email follow you which means I have approximately 8.9 posts in my inbox which I fully intend on reading? the oldest is from… *checks* February! wow, that’s not as bad as I thought. I must have got onto the ones from last year.)

        Liked by 1 person

        • OH MY WORD!!!!! You love Amy Pond, too??? She was AMAZING!!! I absolutely adore her. . .and her accent. XD


          OOOH! See, you’re doing fantastic. I don’t even WANT to think about all the posts I’ve missed out on… I think I’m going to just try and get as caught up on the most recent ones as I can during my hiatus. It’s. . .bad. XD

          Liked by 1 person

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